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Is Your Job At Risk? Find Out Which American Workers Fear A.I. Takeover!

Is Your Job At Risk? Find Out Which American Workers Fear A.I. Takeover!


H2: Survey Shows Workers Concerned About AI Displacement
According to a /SurveyMonkey Workforce Survey, 24% of workers are worried that artificial intelligence (AI) will make their jobs obsolete. However, the level of concern varies based on certain demographic factors. Workers of color, younger workers, and lower-salaried workers are more concerned about AI job displacement than their counterparts. In addition, some industries have higher levels of concern, with roughly 46% of workers in advertising and marketing and business support and logistics worried that AI will take their jobs.

H3: Demographic Differences in AI Job Fears
The survey found that younger workers, workers of color, and lower-salaried workers are more concerned about AI job displacement. Workers aged 18-24 are the most worried, with 32% expressing concern. The level of worry among white workers (19%) is lower than that of Black (32%), Hispanic (35%), and Asian (38%) workers. Those making less than $50,000 are more worried (30%) than those making over $150,000 (16%).

H3: Industry-Specific Concerns About AI
While low-paying jobs have long been at risk of automation, the survey reveals a growing fear of AI displacement among knowledge workers. For example, roughly half of workers in advertising and marketing (51%) and business support and logistics (46%) are worried that AI will soon take their jobs.

H2: AI and Job Disruption
Despite the majority of workers not being worried about AI job displacement, many expect their jobs to change due to disruption from AI in the next five years. In fact, 43% of workers anticipate significant changes to their jobs due to AI in the next five years.

H3: The Positive Impact of AI on Productivity
AI experts maintain that while the technology may result in some job losses, it will offer as many opportunities as threats. AI technology has the potential to augment jobs and make workers more productive. The survey finds that C-level and VP-level executives are twice as likely than individual contributors to discuss AI at the workplace.

H2: Workers Experimenting with AI
AI is not yet widespread in the workplace, with only 8% of workers saying that AI is required for their job. Among those who do use AI, half are worried that AI will soon make their jobs obsolete. However, some workers are embracing AI to stay relevant and competitive in their careers. For example, lawyers and teachers of the future may need to adapt to using AI in their roles.

H2: Future of Work with AI
To stay competitive, workers will need to build skills that complement AI technology. Corporations and HR departments must also consider how to develop a workforce of the future that enhances productivity while still engaging workers in productive and gainful work.

H2: Discussion of AI in the Workplace
The survey indicates that the tech industry is the exception in terms of discussion of AI in the workplace. Only 14% of workers say AI has been discussed a lot at their workplace, while 51% say it has not been discussed at all.

H2: Joining the Workforce Executive Council
Workers interested in discussing AI and other workforce concerns can apply to join the Workforce Executive Council at


Q: What percentage of workers are worried about AI making their job obsolete?
A: According to a /SurveyMonkey Workforce Survey, 24% of workers are worried about AI job displacement.

Q: Which demographic groups are more concerned about AI job displacement?
A: Workers of color, younger workers, and lower-salaried workers express higher levels of concern about AI job displacement than their counterparts.

Q: Which industries have the highest levels of concern about AI job displacement?
A: Roughly 46% of workers in advertising and marketing and business support and logistics are worried that AI will take their jobs.

Q: What percentage of workers expect their jobs to change significantly due to AI disruption in the next five years?
A: The survey finds that 43% of workers anticipate significant changes to their jobs due to AI in the next five years.

Q: How are some workers using AI to stay competitive?
A: Workers, such as lawyers and teachers, are experimenting with AI technology to stay relevant and competitive in their careers.

Q: How can workers and corporations stay competitive in the age of AI?
A: Workers will need to build skills that complement AI technology, while corporations and HR departments must consider how to develop a workforce of the future that enhances productivity while still engaging workers in productive and gainful work.


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