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Test Your Wits Against a Mouse in Gizmodo’s Puzzle Challenge

Test Your Wits Against a Mouse in Gizmodo’s Puzzle Challenge


H2: The History and Popularity of Mouse Trap Board Game

The Mouse Trap board game, inspired by Rube Goldberg machines, gained immense popularity due to its unique concept and gameplay. Players had to build a contraption that would set off a chain reaction, eventually trapping a plastic pest. Initially rejected by the president of Milton Bradley, the game went on to become a huge commercial success, spawning copycats and even a life-size replica.

H3: The Joy of Building

The joy of playing Mouse Trap was not in the gameplay itself but in building the contraption. Players would use the game’s pieces to create intricate machines that, with the crank of a gear, would set off a chain reaction leading to the mouse trap.

H3: Milton Bradley’s Initial Reaction

Milton Bradley’s president initially rejected the idea of Mouse Trap, calling it a lot of plastic junk and dismissing it as not a game, this is nothing. However, he was proven wrong when the game became a commercial success and spawned copycats and a touring life-size replica.

H3: The Legacy of Mouse Trap

Mouse Trap has become a staple in the board game industry, inspiring new and innovative games that incorporate elements of Rube Goldberg machines. It is a testament to the power of unique and creative gameplay ideas.

H2: Puzzle of the Week – Mouse Trap

This week’s puzzle requires players to find a mouse hiding in one of five cabinets. The catch is that the mouse moves to an adjacent cabinet each night, making it challenging to find. Players must use a sequence of cabinet openings that guarantee finding the mouse in the fewest number of days, regardless of the mouse’s strategy.

H3: The Puzzle

You have five cabinets lined up in a row, one of which has a mouse hiding inside. Each day, you can open one cabinet to try to find the mouse. If you don’t find it, you close the cabinet, and that night, the mouse moves to an adjacent cabinet. What sequence of cabinet openings should you use to guarantee finding the mouse in the fewest number of days, regardless of the mouse’s strategy?

H3: Happy Hunting

Solving this puzzle requires strategic thinking and careful planning. Happy hunting to all the puzzle enthusiasts out there!

H2: Conclusion

Mouse Trap is not just a board game but a testament to the power of unique and creative gameplay ideas. It has inspired new and innovative games that incorporate elements of Rube Goldberg machines. Additionally, this week’s puzzle challenges players to think strategically and find a mouse hiding in one of five cabinets.


Q. What is Mouse Trap?
A. Mouse Trap is a board game inspired by Rube Goldberg machines. Players build a contraption that, with the crank of a gear, sets off a chain reaction leading to a mouse trap.

Q. Who rejected the idea of Mouse Trap?
A. The president of Milton Bradley initially rejected the idea of Mouse Trap, calling it a lot of plastic junk and dismissing it as not a game, this is nothing.

Q. How can I solve the Mouse Trap puzzle of the week?
A. Players must use a sequence of cabinet openings that guarantee finding the mouse in the fewest number of days, regardless of the mouse’s strategy. Happy hunting!


For more information, please refer this link