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Startup Alert: Don’t Sacrifice Growth for Cloud Costs – Here’s Why!

Startup Alert: Don’t Sacrifice Growth for Cloud Costs – Here’s Why!


Optimizing Cloud Costs for Startups: The Changing Expectations of Investor Priorities

There’s room for startups to cut their cloud costs, even if they have to balance the implicit costs of doing so, such as the time required and the potential for slower development. The question then becomes: How much of a priority is finding incremental savings for young tech companies?

A recent survey of founders by + indicates that a change in investor expectations is spurring startups to take a closer look at their cloud spending and move away from a position more focused on speed than cost efficiency — just not too much.

The changing economy and the resulting impact on both venture capital availability and the price of money keeps showing up in our investigative work. Put another way, rising interest rates are having a knock-on effect on cloud spending at tech companies, and therefore, slowing growth at public cloud incumbents.

+ also recently asked startup founders if new startups should pursue a multicloud strategy. They answered mostly in the negative, with some caveats regarding edge cases.

This morning, we have a sheaf of perspectives to digest, building off our work in late 2022 aiming to understand how startups picked their first major cloud provider and why.

Why Optimizing Cloud Costs is Important for Startups

Cloud hosting has been a gamechanger for startups. It has allowed them to scale their operations quickly while maintaining low costs. However, the cloud hosting services are not free and can quickly add up to significant expenses for startups. As startups grow, their cloud usage increases, making the cost optimization of cloud resources even more essential.

In addition, investor priorities for startups have changed from focusing solely on speed to also cost efficiency. Investors want to see startups maximize their runway and reduce the overall burn rate by focusing on cost optimization while also maintaining development speed.

Balancing Time and Potential Cost Savings

For startups that want to optimize their cloud costs, there are several ways that they can go about it. However, it’s essential to balance the potential cost savings with the time and resources required to make those savings a reality.

If a startup spends too much time optimizing costs, it may slow down the development process or distract from more important tasks. Therefore, it’s important to evaluate the potential savings and prioritize them based on the time and resources required.

Choosing Single or Multi-Cloud Strategy

Choosing a single cloud provider versus a multi-cloud strategy is also an important consideration for startups. According to a recent + survey, most startup founders do not recommend a multi-cloud strategy for new startups.

While using multiple cloud providers can provide resiliency and reduce reliance on a single provider, it can also increase complexity and costs. Managing multiple cloud providers requires additional resources and expertise, which can be challenging for startups.


In conclusion, optimizing cloud costs is becoming increasingly vital for startups. The changing economic landscape and investor priorities are compelling startups to focus on cost optimization while also maintaining development speed.

However, it’s important to balance the potential cost savings with the time and resources required to make those savings a reality. Choosing between a single or multi-cloud strategy is also an important consideration that should be evaluated based on a startup’s unique needs.


1. Why is it essential for startups to optimize cloud costs?

Cloud hosting services quickly add up to significant expenses for startups as their cloud usage increases. Also, investor priorities for startups have changed from focusing solely on speed to also cost efficiency. Investors want to see startups maximize their runway and reduce the overall burn rate.

2. How can startups optimize their cloud costs?

Startups can optimize their cloud costs by using efficient resource utilization techniques, selecting the right pricing plan, and using cloud cost optimization tools. However, it’s important to balance the potential cost savings with the time and resources required to make those savings a reality and prioritize them based on need.

3. Should startups choose a single or multi-cloud strategy?

While using multiple cloud providers can provide resiliency and reduce reliance on a single provider, it can also increase complexity and costs. Managing multiple cloud providers requires additional resources and expertise, which can be challenging for startups. According to a recent + survey, most startup founders do not recommend a multi-cloud strategy for new startups.


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