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Revolutionizing Fashion with AI? Find out why Genenerative AI is Facing Resistance from the Future Fashionistas

Revolutionizing Fashion with AI? Find out why Genenerative AI is Facing Resistance from the Future Fashionistas


Fashion and AI: Preparing the Next Generation of Talent

Maxime Touze Black, a recent graduate of the master’s programme in Fashion Design at London’s Central Saint Martin, is using artificial intelligence (AI) to create his designs. According to Black, his instructors initially expressed hesitation as they were unsure how the concepts would translate into finished garments. However, he trained an AI model on a dataset of 3,000 photos of himself styled in different clothes, which he then turned into actual clothes. This was done before the release of the latest generation of AI tools that can produce realistic images from a text prompt.

Despite being from a generation stereotyped as born technophiles, many students are still viewing AI with distrust. Fashion schools are preparing the next generation of talent to enter an industry that could be shaken up by generative AI. Schools such as Parsons School of Design in New York and the London College of Fashion offer elective classes where students can gain exposure to designing with AI. At other schools, there is a reluctance to adopt AI into the curriculum; for example, educators developing IFA Paris’ MBA programme in Fashion Tech have noted that design students are particularly resistant to using technology in their work, as they are more invested in learning traditional design techniques.

Section 1: Fashion and AI
– Overview of fashion schools’ responses to AI
– Discussion of how AI could shake up the fashion industry

Section 2: The Use of AI in Design
– Maxime Touze Black’s experience using AI to create designs
– Students’ reluctance to use AI

Section 3: Embracing Technology
– Educators attempting to encourage students to use AI creatively
– The importance of taking a critical approach to AI

Section 4: Preparing for the Future
– Educators preparing students for a future in fashion’s workforce that could involve using AI
– The shift towards using prompt engineering

Section 5: The Role of Educators
– The need for educators to not only nurture students’ creativity but also prepare them for the future
– A discussion of the approach of different fashion schools to technology.


Despite the reluctance of some students and educators to use AI, the fashion industry is likely to be influenced by generative AI in the future. Some schools, such as Parsons School of Design and the London College of Fashion, are already offering courses where students can gain exposure to designing with AI. Even those who are hesitant towards its use agree that it is necessary to prepare students for a future in fashion’s workforce that may involve using AI.

Frequently Asked Questions:

How is AI being used in fashion?
AI is being used in fashion to create designs, to assist with customer service, and to optimize supply chain management, among other things.

Why are some students and educators resistant towards using AI?
Some students and educators believe that using AI will remove human creativity from design and that AI will eventually displace workers.

What courses are being offered where students can gain exposure to designing with AI?
Schools such as Parsons School of Design in New York and the London College of Fashion offer elective classes where students can learn to design with AI.

How can students engage with AI creatively?
Educators are encouraging students to use AI for exploring new possibilities and not solely for creating a final product. By doing this, students are taking a critical approach to AI.

What is prompt engineering?
Prompt engineering refers to creating text prompts to elicit the desired outcomes from AI systems.


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