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Procedural justice can solve trust issues with generative AI


The Importance of Trust and Safety in AI

Generative AI has made a great impact on various industries, but with great power comes great responsibility. Since AI uses human-created training data, it is prone to bias, promoting discrimination and reinforcing racial inequities. This has ignited a debate about the trustworthiness of tech executives in keeping society’s best interest at heart.

Despite their efforts, trust in tech companies has plummeted over the years. Today, as established by the 2023 Edelman Trust Barometer, 65% of the global population worries that tech will make it impossible to differentiate between real and fake news.

Procedural Justice Approach to Trust and Legitimacy

Procedural justice is a social psychology framework that promotes trust and legitimacy in institutions and actors by allowing neutral, unbiased, and transparent decision-making. It has four key components:

  • Neutrality: Decision-making is guided by transparent reasoning.
  • Respect: All parties involved are treated with respect and dignity.
  • Voice: Everyone has a chance to express their opinions and concerns.
  • Trustworthiness: Decision-makers convey trustworthy motives to everyone affected by their decisions.

Adopting this framework can benefit AI companies in building trust and legitimacy within their respective industries.

How Tech Companies Can Build Trust and Legitimacy

Build a Multi-Disciplinary Team

As Safiya Noble, a UCLA Professor, states, the problems surrounding algorithmic bias cannot be solved by engineers alone. To ensure societal conversation, consensus, and regulation, it is vital to have outside perspectives. Tech companies should build multi-disciplinary teams that include social scientists who can understand the societal and human impacts of technology. With diverse perspectives, companies can articulate transparent reasoning for their decisions, making their AI more neutral and trustworthy.

Include Outsider Perspectives

Companies must let people take part in the decision-making process to secure procedural justice. While adversarial approaches like red teaming are essential to assessing risk, it must involve outside perspectives. Thus, companies should look beyond their employees, disciplines, and geographical location. It would be best to provide users with more control over how the AI functions, offer opportunities for comments on policy or product changes, and get diverse viewpoints. These measures can ensure that decisions are balanced and fair, promoting trust and legitimacy.

Ensure Transparency

Finally, companies should provide the public with all the necessary information relating to their application. The public should know how the applications are trained, where the data is sourced from, what human involvement there is in the process, and any safety measures implemented to minimize misuse. Enabling researchers to audit and understand AI models is also important in building trust. By promoting transparency, companies can gain people’s trust and legitimacy, resulting in more users and benefits.


The rise of generative AI must be coupled with the need for trust and safety. As AI companies adopt new measures to build trust and legitimacy through a procedural justice approach, they can engage the public in the decision-making process. In so doing, they can earn the trust and legitimacy they need to succeed in the market.


What is the importance of procedural justice?

Procedural justice is essential in building trust and legitimacy among stakeholders. It ensures that decision-making is neutral, unbiased, and transparent, promoting fairness and justice in society.

How can AI companies earn the public’s trust and legitimacy?

AI companies can earn the public’s trust and legitimacy by building multi-disciplinary teams, which include social scientists to understand the human and societal impacts of technology. They can also involve outsiders in the decision-making process, be transparent about how they operate, and implement safety measures to minimize misuse.

Can neutral decision-making be achieved in AI?

AI is prone to bias, but neutral decision-making can be achieved by adopting a procedural justice approach that prioritizes transparency, respect, neutrality, and trustworthiness.


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