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OpenAI proposes global regulatory body for AI


OpenAI Calls for International Body to Regulate AI Development

OpenAI, one of the leading artificial intelligence (AI) research organizations in the world, has called for an international regulatory body to be set up in order to manage the development of AI. According to OpenAI’s founders, the pace of innovation in artificial intelligence is so quick that existing authorities are unable to control and regulate the technology effectively. As a result, the company believes that the world needs an international regulatory body similar to that governing nuclear power.

Why is an international regulatory body needed for AI?

OpenAI argues that the development of superintelligence requires some degree of coordination and cooperation among the major AI development efforts. An international authority would need to inspect systems, require audits, test for compliance with safety standards, place restrictions on degrees of deployment and levels of security, and establish and track international standards and agreements. While existing organizations such as the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) lack the power to rein in bad actors, they can at least set an agenda for addressing the risks of AI development.

What would an AI regulatory body look like?

OpenAI suggests that an AI regulatory body could be modeled on the IAEA, which is the UN’s official organization for international collaboration on nuclear power. Such a body could monitor and audit compute power and energy usage dedicated to AI research. Smaller companies could be exempt from regulation to avoid creating obstacles to innovative start-ups.

What challenges would an AI regulatory body face?

One of the challenges with setting up an AI regulatory body is designing a mechanism that can effectively manage the development of AI. OpenAI admits that they do not yet know how such a mechanism should be designed. Regulating AI also raises questions about the ethics and morality of AI development, and this will require input from a range of experts and stakeholders.


OpenAI is one of the largest and most important AI research organizations in the world, and its call for an international regulatory body to manage the development of AI is a significant development in the industry. While setting up an AI regulatory body will be challenging, it is clear that the development of AI requires some degree of international cooperation and governance. An AI regulatory body may not be able to rein in bad actors, but it can set international standards and agreements and provide the framework for addressing the risks of AI development.


What is OpenAI?

OpenAI is a research organization dedicated to advancing artificial intelligence in a safe and responsible manner.

Why does OpenAI believe an international regulatory body is needed for AI?

OpenAI believes that the pace of innovation in AI is so fast that existing authorities are unable to regulate and manage the technology effectively. An international regulatory body would help to coordinate and manage the development of superintelligence, setting standards and agreements for AI research.

What challenges would an AI regulatory body face?

Designing an effective mechanism for regulating AI development is a key challenge. The ethical and moral implications of AI development also need to be considered and addressed. Small companies that are developing AI may also need to be exempt from regulation to avoid creating barriers to innovation.

What would an AI regulatory body look like?

An AI regulatory body could be modeled on the International Atomic Energy Agency, which is the UN’s organization for international cooperation on nuclear power. Such a body could monitor and audit compute power and energy usage dedicated to AI research. Smaller companies may be exempt from regulation to avoid creating barriers to innovation.


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