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Mysterious Killer Whale Attack on Sailing Boat in Spain Leaves Researchers Puzzled -> Killer Whales Attack Sailing Boat Near Spain, Confuse Researchers


Orcas Learned Behavior Resulting in Boat Attacks off Spain

Reports of orcas attacking and capsizing boats off the coast of Spain may indicate learned behavior, suggest researchers. In 2020, interactions with orcas increased drastically. Reports by the research group
GTOA indicate there have been 20 orca interactions with boats in the Strait of Gibraltar this month alone. But what motivated the peaceful mammal to start attacking boats?

What Happened?

A 66-foot British sailing vessel was making its way to Gibraltar when several orcas attacked. They broke through the boat’s hull, and broke the rudder. A rapid-response vessel was dispatched to render assistance before towing the damaged vessel to the port of Barbate, in the province of Cadiz, for repairs.

Why are Orcas Attacking Boats?

One marine biologist thinks the attacks may stem from an orca named White Gladis who experienced a “critical moment of agony” involving a boat. However, not all researchers are convinced. Some believe something triggered an adult female, and she is teaching others by ramming vessels and trying to sink them. The motivation behind the attacks has yet to be determined, but researchers believe these attacks may indicate learned behavior as this has never been witnessed before.

Are Orcas Aggressive?

The general consensus among marine biologists is that orcas are generally gentle beings and not known for being aggressive towards humans. Even when being attacked and placed in captivity, they have not shown aggression towards humans. Multiple reasons could motivate explicit aggression in a species known for their social behavior and high levels of intelligence.


Reports of numerous orca attacks indicate that behavior among these peaceful mammals may have changed. Experts are studying the possible reasons behind such behavior and warned people visiting the Strait of Gibraltar to remain vigilant. Nonetheless, this is a mystery that continues to baffle researchers.


What is causing orcas to attack boats?

The exact reason for the sudden change in behavior is unknown, but researchers speculate that it might be learned behavior or a response to a trigger in certain orca populations.

Are orcas naturally aggressive towards humans?

No, orcas are generally peaceful mammals and are not known for attacking humans.

Where have most of the attacks occurred?

Most of the attacks have occurred around the Strait of Gibraltar, off the coasts of Spain and Portugal.


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