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Kingdom Players Cheating Korok Rock Puzzles with Fuse

Kingdom Players Cheating Korok Rock Puzzles with Fuse


New Time Saving Trick: Solve Korok Puzzles in Seconds

The Tears of the Kingdom community has found a new time-saving trick that allows players to solve select Korok puzzles in a matter of seconds using Link’s weapon fuse ability. This trick was pointed out by Twitter user aquatic_ambi and it pertains to the Korok puzzles where Link needs to find a missing rock to complete a pattern on the ground.

The Korok Puzzle Time-Saving Trick

To complete the said Korok puzzle using a rock-fused weapon, players need to perform a jump attack at the location of the missing pebble using the weapon. Alternatively, they can position the rock end of the weapon in the gap to complete the puzzle.

Players’ Excitement on A New Found Trick

The Twitter community is excited about this time-saving trick as it removes the need to lift and carry rocks around in-game. Comments such as “so happy I never have to lift a dumb rock ever again” and “what the heck have I been doing” has been circulating Twitter, with players excited to make use of this new-found ability.

Adding Efficiency to the Game

Despite being a small trick, it can add efficiency to a game packed with exciting things to do. It also showcases how players are always finding ways to use Link’s new abilities to their advantage and overpower the woodland dwellers.

Other Tips and Tricks

If you’re looking for more tips and tricks to help you make the most of your adventure through Hyrule, be sure to check out our Tears of the Kingdom walkthrough and guide.


The Tears of the Kingdom community has found a new and exciting way to complete select Korok puzzles in a matter of seconds. By using Link’s weapon fuse ability, players can perform a jump attack or position the rock end of the weapon to complete the puzzles. It’s just one of the many ways players are always looking to push their limits and find new ways to achieve their goals.


What is Tears of the Kingdom?

Tears of the Kingdom is a video game released in 2023, developed and published by Nintendo for the Nintendo Switch console.

What are Korok puzzles?

Korok puzzles are special puzzle challenges in the Tears of the Kingdom game, often involving finding missing rocks to complete a pattern on the ground.

How can players complete Korok puzzles using Link’s weapon fuse ability?

Players can complete select Korok puzzles using Link’s weapon fuse ability by performing a jump attack with the weapon at the location of the missing pebble. Alternatively, they can position the rock end of the weapon in the gap to complete the puzzle.

How does this new-found ability add efficiency to the game?

This ability adds efficiency to the game by eliminating the need to lift and carry rocks around in-game, which is a time-consuming and tedious task.


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