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Job recruiters vanishing on you? Discover why and master coping tactics!

Job recruiters vanishing on you? Discover why and master coping tactics!


Why Job Recruiters Ghost You and How to Cope

Job hunting can be a frustrating and stressful experience. After spending hours polishing your resume and meticulously customizing cover letters, it can feel discouraging when you don’t hear back from potential employers. According to experts, there are several reasons why you may not be receiving any responses, and it’s not always a reflection of your qualifications.

Section 1: The Problematic Job Postings

Maryam Jahanshahi, co-founder and head of R&D at Datapeople, a provider of recruiting analytics software, states that one-third of all job posts are problematic. These job postings can have poorly written job descriptions, misalignment between HR and the business, off-market pay bands, or other issues that deter qualified applicants. In many cases, the issue is with the job posting and not the applicant.

Subheading 1: Sending Applications into Black Holes

Many applicants feel their applications go into black holes. They never receive any notification from employers, which can be frustrating. The process can seem unfair, as applicants are not able to identify any problem areas in their applications if they’ve received no feedback. However, sometimes, applications can be stuck in limbo, waiting for the job post to be shut down. There is no law requiring employers to acknowledge applications or to explain why someone wasn’t interviewed or hired.

Subheading 2: Fake Job Postings

Some job postings are created for legal and equal opportunity policies and never intend to hire an individual from outside the company. In other cases, the employers aren’t willing to pay the salary that the market demands, but they aren’t willing to adjust their expectations either. In these cases, the job never gets filled. The applicants aren’t at fault, and applicants are caught in the middle.

Section 2: What’s a Job-Seeker to Do?

When job seekers come against these kinds of challenges, they may feel they need to do more. Experts suggest a few strategies that could help alleviate these issues.

Subheading 1: Confirming Job Offers

If a job seeker wants to confirm the validity of a job offer on career websites, such as Glassdoor or Indeed, the best way is to check for the same job posting on the company’s career page. Most companies have their jobs listed on their websites, so it costs them nothing.

Subheading 2: Leveraging Networks

If job seekers are interested in jobs posted online, they can try tapping into their networks of colleagues, friends or family members. Ask for insight into the position and if possible, see if they can refer them to their employer for an interview. Since hiring managers receive too many applications, they may review the job seekers’ application out of respect for the colleague who made the referral.

Subheading 3: Spending Time on Quality rather than Quantity

Experts also recommend job seekers focus on the quality of their job applications rather than the number of their applications. The application process should focus on a job the candidate wants, is qualified for, and where there is also a connection.


In conclusion, job hunting can be a frustrating experience with factors such as problematic job posts and recruiters who ghost job seekers without any communication. Job seekers can confirm jobs better by checking the company’s career page for the job posting when job seeking on career websites. They can also leverage their networks and spend more time focusing on the quality of their applications.


Q1. Why are job postings problematic for job seekers?
Job postings can be highly problematic due to poorly written job descriptions, misalignment between HR and the business, off-market pay bands, or other issues that deter qualified applicants.

Q2. What happens to job applications that get stuck in limbo?
Sometimes, applications are stuck in limbo, waiting for the job post to be shut down. There is no law requiring employers to acknowledge applications or to explain why someone wasn’t hired.

Q3. What is the best way to confirm job offers that sound too good to be true?
The best way is to check for the same job posting on the company’s career page. Most companies have their jobs listed on their websites, so it costs them nothing.

Q4. How can job seekers leverage their networks for job opportunities?
Job seekers can ask for insight into the position and if possible, see if they can refer them to their employer for an interview. They may review the job seekers’ application out of respect for the colleague who made the referral.

Q5. What is the ultimate key to successful job hunting?
The process of job hunting should focus on a job the candidate wants, is qualified for, and where there is also a connection. Candidates focusing on quality over quantity will help increase their chances of finding a suitable job.


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