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Is Transformers: Rise of the Beasts Launching a Hasbro Movie Universe?

Is Transformers: Rise of the Beasts Launching a Hasbro Movie Universe?


Transformers: Rise of the Beasts Teases the Inclusion of G.I. Joe

Transformers: Rise of the Beasts is the seventh movie in the Transformers franchise, and it comes with an eye towards what’s next. The film includes a clear idea for a sequel, which involves a tease about G.I. Joe.

The Tease

The film ends with its main human hero, Noah Diaz (Anthony Ramos), back in Brooklyn interviewing for a job. The interviewer seems to know everything about his adventure with the Transformers, and wants to recruit Noah into a secret government organization of some kind. But this is not Sector 7; it’s G.I. Joe.

The tease has raised several questions among fans. Is this the start of a new standalone G.I. Joe movie in development? Are we looking at a Hasbro Cinematic Universe?

Answers from Producer Lorenzo di Bonaventura

We got some answers from producer Lorenzo di Bonaventura. He clarified that for now, this G.I. Joe tease is about adding elements to Transformers, and there is no separate G.I. Joe movie or greater universe in the works. He also indicated that a new Joe-specific flick is not on the immediate horizon.

Di Bonaventura explained that they tend not to plan things on purpose, and keeping it fresh means they get to experience the current movie with the audience. The reaction to the film will influence where they go from there. The producers, studio, and Hasbro are weighing several factors, including how much they can cram into a single movie before it becomes too much.

Potential for Incorporating Other Hasbro Properties into the Movie Franchise

As for potentially incorporating other Hasbro properties into this movie franchise, di Bonaventura said, slowly but surely, but with the important caveat that the studio isn’t necessarily the ones making that decision. Hasbro has its plans which must align with the studios’.

Possibilities for Future Movies

Despite the numerous questions surrounding the impact of G.I. Joe on the movie franchise, fans should expect more Transformers with a side of G.I. Joe. What other Hasbro properties might join the mix remains up in the air.


The Tease

Answers from Producer Lorenzo di Bonaventura

Potential for Incorporating Other Hasbro Properties into the Movie Franchise

Possibilities for Future Movies


Transformers: Rise of the Beasts sets the stage for a potential crossover with G.I. Joe, adding a new dimension to the Transformers franchise. While a separate G.I. Joe movie is not currently in development, the inclusion of the popular character has sparked discussions among fans about the possibility of a Hasbro Cinematic Universe. The producers and studio are weighing several factors, and the reaction of the fans will influence the direction of future movies in the franchise.


Is a separate G.I. Joe movie in development?

As of now, no separate G.I. Joe movie is in development. The potential is there, but producers are waiting to see how Transformers: Rise of the Beasts performs at the box office and in audience response before making any decisions.

Is the inclusion of G.I. Joe part of a larger Hasbro Cinematic Universe?

There are currently no plans for a larger Hasbro Cinematic Universe beyond the inclusion of G.I. Joe in Transformers: Rise of the Beasts. However, the potential for incorporating other Hasbro properties in future films is being considered.

How are the producers, studio, and Hasbro weighing the prospects of a crossover?

The producers, studio, and Hasbro are weighing several factors, including the box office performance and audience reaction to Transformers: Rise of the Beasts. They must also strike a balance in the number of characters introduced in each movie, to ensure audiences can connect with them.


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