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Is Apple about to revolutionize AR and VR like never seen before?

Is Apple about to revolutionize AR and VR like never seen before?


Apple to Unveil Long-Awaited Augmented Reality Headset at WWDC 2023

According to reports, Apple is likely to announce its long-awaited augmented or mixed reality Reality Pro headset during the keynote of its annual WWDC developer conference in California. Despite teasing the launch for years, the project has been subject to delays, internal skepticism and debate, technical challenges and more. Meanwhile, the world’s overall attitude towards AR and VR has shifted from optimism to skepticism. This article explores why AR and VR have failed to take off and whether Apple can succeed where other tech giants have failed.

The Cycle of Tech Hype

As with any major tech hype cycle, the time to make the most significant impact is after the spike of undue optimism and energy has subsided. With AR and VR, we’ve already seen some of the tech giants with the deepest pockets take their best shots and fail, not for lack of trying, but due to limitations in terms of what’s possible even at the bleeding edge of available tech.

The Limitations of AR and VR

Some of the limitations of AR and VR might actually be endemic due to variances in human perception needed to make mixed reality magic happen. One of the major players in the space is Meta, formerly Facebook, which has had the most kick at the can over the past half-decade. However, the last two attempts – the Meta Quest 3 and the Meta Quest Pro – received mild applause and landed with a virtual thud, respectively.

The Apple Factor

Apple is a well-known refiner, not an inventor or rescuer. Its entry into AR and VR may not be different from other attempts, despite its track record. AR and VR have fundamental problems with accessibility since a huge chunk of people simply find it nausea-inducing, and others do not like wearing something on their face. Additionally, consumers regularly say “neat, but no thanks” to AR and VR, no matter how advanced the technology might be.


There’s significant anticipation around Apple’s AR and VR headset launch, but the big question for this launch is “why”. AR and VR have failed to take off where tech giants such as Facebook have failed, and Apple’s track record as a refiner gives no indication that its entry into AR and VR will be different.


What is Apple’s long-awaited augmented or mixed reality Reality Pro headset?

The Reality Pro headset is a major launch by Apple at the annual WWDC developer conference.

Why have AR and VR failed to take off?

AR and VR have fundamental problems with accessibility since a huge chunk of people does not like wearing something on their face, and others find it nausea-inducing, regardless of the technology that mitigates these issues.

Why might Apple succeed where other tech giants have failed in AR and VR?

Apple is known for refining existing products and services, making them better where other companies have failed to meet consumers’ expectations. However, AR and VR have not taken off due to fundamental accessibility problems that might not be solved by innovation in the technology space alone.


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