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IMDb Changes Rating System After Little Mermaid Review-Bombing

IMDb Changes Rating System After Little Mermaid Review-Bombing


The Little Mermaid faces racist online backlash as Halle Bailey is cast as Ariel

The live-action remake of The Little Mermaid has been targeted by racist online vitriol due to the casting of Halle Bailey as the protagonist, Ariel. Review aggregating site IMDb has responded by weighting the grades of 1-star user reviews in order to mitigate their impact on the film’s overall rating.

IMDb detects unusual voting activity on The Little Mermaid’s rating page

With over 32,000 ratings on IMDb, The Little Mermaid currently holds a 7 out of 10 rating. However, more than 13,000 users gave the film a 1-star rating, prompting IMDb to apply a weighted calculation that preserves the reliability of the rating system. A notice at the top of the ratings page alerts readers of the unusual voting activity.

IMDb uses weighted vote averages to assess film ratings

IMDb’s FAQ explains that weighted vote averages are used in order to maintain the integrity of the rating system. The site may apply alternate weighting calculations when it detects unusual activity on a title’s ratings page, but it does not disclose the mechanism used to rate movies.

Other review sites are also impacted by negative user reviews

Deadline reported that similar notices have appeared on multiple versions of IMDb along with other review sites, such as Moviepilot. The wave of negative reviews is believed to have been driven by bots, with European sites in particular being targeted.

Review bombing is a common tactic used by bigots

This campaign is far from being the first of its kind. Review bombing is used by bigots to manipulate user review scores of TV shows and movies that feature underrepresented groups. Site verification mechanisms, such as verified audiences on Rotten Tomatoes, are one way to limit the effects of review bombing.


The online backlash against The Little Mermaid serves as a reminder of the need to promote diversity and inclusion in media. While such campaigns are unlikely to have a significant impact on the film’s success, they demonstrate the ongoing struggle to combat bigotry and discrimination.


What is review bombing?

Review bombing is a tactic used by bigots to manipulate user review scores of TV shows and movies that feature underrepresented groups. By posting an unusually high number of negative reviews, they aim to artificially lower the overall rating of the content.

How does IMDb respond to review bombing?

IMDb uses weighted vote averages to preserve the reliability of its rating system. When unusual voting activity is detected, the site may apply alternate weighting calculations to mitigate the impact of 1-star reviews.

How can verified audiences help combat review bombing?

Sites like Rotten Tomatoes use verified audiences in order to limit the impact of review bombing. Verified audiences are made up of users who have confirmed that they have seen the movie or TV show in question, helping to ensure that reviews are based on genuine experiences.


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