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H.P. Lovecraft guru analyzes terrifying A.I. meme taking over the world

H.P. Lovecraft guru analyzes terrifying A.I. meme taking over the world


The Significance of the Tentacled Shoggoth Meme in the AI Community

The tentacled shoggoth from H.P. Lovecraft’s novella At the Mountains of Madness has become a viral meme in the AI world, used as a metaphor for the concerns that artificial intelligence could become indifferent to humans. However, according to S.T. Joshi, the leading Lovecraft scholar, the parallels between the shoggoth and AI are not very accurate.

Minor Details about the Shoggoth

Joshi argues that it is shoggoth and not Shoggoth as it is spelled in the Times article. He emphasized that while the term has been used in different editions of At the Mountains of Madness, Lovecraft himself made it lowercase in his manuscript and typescript of the story. Additionally, Joshi remarks that it is a species name, not a proper name.

The Symbolism of the Shoggoth Meme in the AI Industry

In the AI community, the shoggoth has become a metaphor for the mysterious and sometimes frightening potential of artificial intelligence. The advancement of generative AI has provoked references to science fiction classics, such as The Terminator and The Matrix, or Harlan Ellison’s chilling science fiction story I Have No Mouth, and I Must Scream. The shoggoth meme’s creator used Lovecraft’s monster as an analogy for how future powerful AI might not involve humans since, according to them, Lovecraft’s monsters prioritize things that are alien to humans.

The Differences Between AI and the Shoggoth

Joshi pointed out that, unlike AI, the monsters in Lovecraft’s novella are organically bred slave creatures that develop brains and their own will. Also, Lovecraft clearly shows that the shoggoths don’t surpass their masters, the ancient Old Ones, in intelligence or any other capacity. However, the general metaphor of an artificial creation overwhelming its creator does have some sort of parallel to AI, according to Joshi.

The Lessons We Can Learn from Lovecraft’s Story

Lovecraft’s story describes a once-grand civilization that had too many problems to fix, and the Old Ones, who were the creators of the shoggoths, fell prey to various threats, including attacks from rival entities who come from outer space. Similarly, the use of AI could exacerbate societal issues like bigotry, misinformation, and job loss if it is not appropriately managed. We need to be careful and mindful of how we integrate AI into our society.


The shoggoth meme may not accurately depict AI, but it does suggest how we view this rapidly advancing technology with equal parts intrigue and fear. While AI has immense potential to make our lives better, we must also consider the risks that come with it. Lovecraft’s At the Mountains of Madness shows us that we need to be mindful of how we use our technologies and keep them in check before they end up overwhelming us.


Q. What is the shoggoth meme?
A. The shoggoth meme is a viral symbol in the AI world used as a metaphor for the potential of artificial intelligence to become indifferent to humans.

Q. Who is S.T. Joshi?
A. S.T. Joshi is the world’s leading Lovecraft scholar who has written extensively about H.P. Lovecraft and his works.

Q. Does the shoggoth accurately depict AI?
A. No, according to Joshi, the parallels between the shoggoth and AI are not very accurate.

Q. What lessons can we learn from Lovecraft’s story?
A. Lovecraft’s story teaches us to be mindful of how we integrate AI into our society and to carefully consider the risks that come with it.


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