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EU and US lawmakers fast-track AI code of conduct.

EU and US lawmakers fast-track AI code of conduct.


The European Union (EU) is collaborating with its US counterparts to create a draft Code of Conduct for artificial intelligence (AI) ahead of legislations regulating the use of AI in respective regions globally. The goal is to create voluntary standards for applying AI to bridge the gap, with the hope that governments in other regions will join the initiative. The EU intends to draft the Code of Conduct as soon as possible and to make it a question of absolute urgency for businesses to voluntarily sign up. The transatlantic trade and technology talking shop, the US-EU Trade & Tech Council (TTC), was established in 2021, and the fourth meeting was held in Sweden earlier this week. The TTC seeks to find ways to cooperate on tech governance and trade issues. The bloc’s competition and digital strategy, Margrethe Vestager, indicated that lawmakers on both sides of the Atlantic would encourage AI giants to abide by the voluntary (non-legally binding) standards.

– Draft Code of Conduct for AI Standards
– EU and US Cooperation through TTC for AI Regulation
– Urgency for Creation of a Voluntary AI Code of Conduct
– Collaboration and Encouragement from Lawmakers to AI Giants
– EU Ahead of the Regulatory Curve with Draft Legislation on AI
– Urgency to Introduce Stop-Gap Measures for AI
– High Level Lawmakers and Industry Stakeholders Discussing AI Regulation

– Goals of the Draft Code of Conduct for AI Standards
– Objectives of the EU-US Collaboration through TTC for AI Regulation
– Urgency in Producing a Voluntary AI Code of Conduct
– Encouragement for AI Giants to Abide by Voluntary Standards
– EU Regulatory Framework on AI
– Urgency to Introduce Stop-Gap Measures for AI
– Perspectives of Industry and Civil Society on AI Regulation

The EU-US collaboration through the TTC to create a draft Code of Conduct for AI standards is an urgent and necessary response to bridge the gap ahead of legislations regulating the use of AI in respective countries and regions globally. While the standards being voluntary might pose a challenge, the encouragement from lawmakers on both sides of the Atlantic to AI giants to abide by them will increase acceptance. The EU is ahead of the regulatory curve on AI, but with generative AI being a “seismic change” that demands a regulatory response in real-time, there is an urgency to produce a Voluntary AI Code of Conduct. The TTC provides a forum for stakeholder engagement, engagement of the private sector, and engagement of companies to figure out what can be done in the here and now to mitigate the risks of AI without stifling innovation.

1. What is the EU-US collaboration aiming to create for artificial intelligence?
– The EU-US collaboration is aiming to create a draft Code of Conduct for AI standards.

2. What is the goal of the Code of Conduct for AI standards?
– The goal is to create voluntary standards for applying AI to bridge the gap, ahead of legislations regulating the use of AI in respective countries and regions globally.

3. Will the standards be legally binding?
– No, the standards will be voluntary and non-legally binding.

4. How will lawmakers encourage AI giants to abide by the voluntary standards?
– Lawmakers on both sides of the Atlantic will encourage AI giants to abide by the voluntary standards.

5. Is the EU ahead of the regulatory curve on AI?
– Yes, the EU is ahead of the regulatory curve on AI, but the urgency to produce a Voluntary AI Code of Conduct exists for stop-gap measures.


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