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Apple’s game-changing A.I. strategy: Substance over boasting!

Apple’s game-changing A.I. strategy: Substance over boasting!


Apple Uses On-Device AI for New Features

During Apple’s WWDC event, the company demonstrated its work in artificial intelligence and machine learning. Unlike other large technology companies, Apple performs much of its processing on its devices instead of relying on cloud services. Rather than talking about AI models and technology, Apple emphasized the new features that are quietly enabled by AI behind the scenes.

New AI Features Announced

One of the most significant AI features introduced by Apple is an improved iPhone autocorrect. It is based on a machine learning program that uses a transformer language model. This is the same technology incorporated in ChatGPT, and the feature will learn from how the user texts and types to improve.

Vision Pro AR Headset

Apple announced its new augmented reality headset, Vision Pro, which showcases the company’s work in machine learning and artificial intelligence. Apple is investing in on-device AI, which bypasses many data privacy issues that cloud-based AI faces. On-device AI also allows Apple to add AI circuits and GPUs into its chips every year, adapting to changes in the industry and new techniques.

Product Emphasis vs. Speculation

Apple’s product-driven approach means that it prefers to emphasize the features enabled by AI technology rather than the technology itself. As opposed to other AI firms that document and share their work extensively, Apple is highly secretive and rarely speaks about AI models and training data. Instead, Apple merely mentions that there is cool technology working behind the scenes.


Apple’s WWDC event showcased the company’s strategic investment in on-device AI. With new features like improved autocorrect, Vision Pro AR headset, and digital persona, Apple is bringing AI to its 1 billion iPhone users. Apple continues to perform much of its processing on its devices, enabling it to add AI circuits and GPUs into its chips every year. Unlike other machine learning and AI companies, Apple focuses on the features enabled by AI technology, rather than the technology itself.


What is Apple’s approach to AI?

Apple prefers to emphasize the features enabled by AI technology, rather than the technology itself. This approach is in contrast to other AI firms that share their work extensively and specify technology details, training data, and models. Apple’s focus is on maintaining secrecy and confidentiality.

What AI features were introduced by Apple during WWDC 2023?

Apple introduced several AI features during WWDC 2023, including an improved iPhone autocorrect, Vision Pro AR headset, Digital Persona, and identifying pets. These features showcase Apple’s work in machine learning and artificial intelligence.

What is the purpose of Apple’s on-device AI?

On-device AI enables Apple to bypass data privacy issues that cloud-based AI faces, and add AI circuits and GPUs into its chips every year, adapting to changes in the industry and new techniques. It also allows Apple to perform much of its processing on its devices.


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