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Apple Prohibits Use of ChatGPT and Similar AI Platforms by Employees for Work.


Apple Bans Employees from using ChatGPT and other Generative AI Platforms

Apple has recently released a memo prohibiting its employees from using any generative AI for work purposes, including OpenAI’s ChatGPT application and GitHub’s Copilot. The main reason for the ban is the possibility of such tools collecting confidential data from employees or even risk leaking company codes.

Apple Employees can no longer use ChatGPT

The Wall Street Journal reported about Apple’s concerns regarding AI platform applications collecting confidential data from employees. Despite ChatGPT and Copilot’s potential use in automation and efficiency improvement, Apple has banned its employees from using the said application. ChatGPT, which is also supported by Microsoft, is built to receive data from users for continous improvement of the AI model. However, the app previously had a bug that allowed other users to view each other’s chat history, prompting the developers to include an option to turn off chat history.

Overall, Apple emphasizes that the employee use of such tools poses a considerable security risk. Other companies such as Verizon and JPMorgan Chase have also restricted its use within their organizations. As per sources reported by The Wall Street Journal, Amazon, on the other hand, has directed its engineers to use an exclusively internal AI tool.

Siri may get AI-based features soon

Apple is reportedly also working on its own AI model, with John Giannandrea leading the new project. The CEO, Tim Cook, acknowledges the potential of generative AI. In addition, reports mentioned how Apple has conducted secret testing of a new technology named Bobcat, which enhances Siri’s natural language generation abilities. However, there is no word yet when this feature would be available to the public.

Currently, even Apple employees have observed how the legacy database system of Siri fails to perform correctly due to the outdated technology used. The introduction of these advancements in generative AI could improve Siri’s responsiveness and greatly enhance user experience.


Why has Apple banned the use of generative AI platforms for its employees?

Apple is concerned that using generative AI platforms such as ChatGPT and Github’s Copilot could compromise the confidentiality of its data and pose significant security risks.

What other companies have restricted their organizations’ use of generative AI?

Verizon and JPMorgan Chase have also banned the use of generative AI within their respective companies.

What other measures have some companies taken instead of using generative AI platforms?

Amazon has urged its engineers to use an exclusively internal AI tool instead of third-party platforms. On the other hand, Apple is reportedly working on its own AI model.


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