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AI fails Mona Lisa makeover – Critics outraged!

AI fails Mona Lisa makeover – Critics outraged!


Critics speak out against AI-generated expansion of Mona Lisa painting

Recently, critics have been speaking out against an AI-generated expansion of Leonardo da Vinci’s Mona Lisa painting, among others. The expansion fills the gaps previously left to the imagination, showing an expansive background to the original painting with a canvas filled with imagery of Mona Lisa’s backdrop.

The Adobe Firefly app and Generative Fill feature

The Adobe Firefly app used to recreate the painting provides a Generative Fill feature that is drastically improved from previous versions. The feature replaces “clutter” in images with ones that are more pleasing to the viewer or creator. The feature is now being used to “improve” da Vinci’s masterpiece and has been widely shared on social media, particularly Twitter.

AI in the creative industry

The use of artificial intelligence in the creative industry has sparked lawsuits and won art contests, sometimes without compensation or consent to the original artist. Critics argue that there are enough artists out there and that AI shouldn’t interfere with their work.

Backlash against AI recreations

Other recreations using Generative Fillers, like the Reservoir Dogs film and The Good, the Bad and the Ugly movie, received intense backlash for modifying the original artwork intentionally created by the artists. The AI technology has even been used to recreate other famous paintings such as Vincent van Gogh’s “Starry Night,” Michelangelo’s “Creation of Adam,” and Sandro Botticelli’s “The Birth of Venus.” The Mauritshuis Museum in the Netherlands even faced criticism for choosing an AI-generated replica of Johannes Vermeer’s Girl with a Pearl Earring painting in a global competition.


AI-generated art is a hotly debated topic in the creative industry. While advocates argue that it is a way to improve and create new works of art, critics warn of the potential consequences for artists’ rights and intellectual property. The recent AI-generated expansion of Leonardo da Vinci’s Mona Lisa painting is just one example of the backlash that AI-generated art is receiving.


What is the Adobe Firefly app?

The Adobe Firefly app provides a Generative Fill feature that replaces clutter in images with more pleasing ones to the viewer or creator.

What is the controversy surrounding AI in the creative industry?

AI-generated art has sparked lawsuits and won art contests, sometimes without compensation or consent to the original artist. Critics argue that AI shouldn’t interfere with artists’ work.

What are some other examples of AI-generated art?

Other recreations using Generative Fillers, like the Reservoir Dogs film, The Good, the Bad and the Ugly movie, and famous paintings such as Vincent van Gogh’s “Starry Night,” Michelangelo’s “Creation of Adam,” and Sandro Botticelli’s “The Birth of Venus.”


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