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Silence Your Enemies with Minecraft’s Awesome Armor Trim: Get it Now!

Silence Your Enemies with Minecraft’s Awesome Armor Trim: Get it Now!


Minecraft 1.20 Trails and Tales Update

The Minecraft 1.20 Trails and Tales update has brought various exciting additions and changes to the game. Most of the changes focus on players’ creativity, personal expression, and storytelling. This guide focuses on one of the rarest armor trims, the Silence Armor Trim, in Minecraft 1.20.

What is the Silence Armor Trim in Minecraft 1.20?

The Silence Armor Trim is the rarest armor trim smithing template in Minecraft 1.20. It creates a unique and highly detailed pattern on all the armor pieces. The different shades of dye and the organic direction of lines make armor pieces with Silence Armor Trim stand out. It is undoubtedly one of the most desired armor trims in the game.

Where to Find the Silence Armor Trim in Minecraft

The Silence Armor Trim is a very rare item, and it can only be found in chests in Ancient Cities. But the catch here is that there is only a chance of 1.2% of finding the Silence Armor Trim in the chests. As per tweets from Minecraft players on social media, you will need to find and go through at least 15 to 20 Ancient City chests to get this armor trim.

How to Locate the Ancient City in Minecraft 1.20

The Ancient City generates in the deep dark biome, where no hostile mobs can spawn except the Warden in Minecraft. Here are four ways in which you can find the Ancient City in Minecraft:

1. Explore Caves

Explore caves that are low in the world in deepslate levels. If you come across a deep dark biome, start looking for an Ancient city, and if you are lucky, you will find it.

2. Look For Big Cave Entrances

Sometimes, caves can be so large that you can see the natural deepslate all the way from the cave entrance on the surface. If you spot a big cave opening leading directly to the lowest Y coordinates, check them out and see if you can spot the ancient city or the deep dark biome at least.

3. Using Commands

Use the locate command to locate the closest Ancient city. This is a simple way to maximize your chances of finding the Silence armor trim in Minecraft 1.20. If you are playing with cheats disabled, you can enable them temporarily. The command to locate the Ancient City is as follow:

/locate structure minecraft:ancient_city

4. Using Chunk Base

ChunkBase is a tool that helps you find biomes, structures, and understand the terrain in Minecraft. It’s a great way of locating several Ancient cities and starting your search for the Silence armor trim in Minecraft 1.20.

How to Raid the Ancient City in Minecraft

There are two ways to raid an Ancient city in Minecraft: the intended way and the brute-force way. Here’s how you can succeed in searching for the Silence Armor Trim in the Ancient City.

How to Prepare to Raid Ancient City in Minecraft

Since the Ancient cities are pretty dim, due to the intentional scary atmosphere, you will need to see where you’re going. So, make sure to bring a few night vision potions for that reason. Furthermore, having great enchantments in Minecraft on your, preferably, netherite armor will help greatly in case you do encounter the Warden.

Intended But Slower Way

This way requires you to be patient as it is the way the developers intended for you to approach this structure. This implies that you don’t spawn the Warden at all, and if you do, just avoid it. You will be sneaking around the Ancient City and opening chests the entire time. Also, you need to “deactivate” the sculk shriekers located all around the Ancient City to prevent the spawning of the Warden.

Brute-force But Faster Way

This implies you don’t need to go the intended route and brute force your way through the Ancient City. In this case, you can be running around, gathering as much loot as possible from the chests and flying away to safety with your elytra in Minecraft. Repeat this process in the parts of the structure that don’t have the warden spawned yet. Eventually, with this method, there will be a bunch of wardens patrolling through the corridors of the city, so it will become harder to loot the chests. Although this way of raiding the Ancient City is much faster than the intended one, it’s also more dangerous, so it can be rather fun as well.


1. What is the Silence Armor Trim in Minecraft?

The Silence Armor Trim is the rarest armor trim smithing template in Minecraft 1.20. It creates a unique and highly detailed pattern on all the armor pieces. The different shades of dye and the organic direction of lines make armor pieces with Silence Armor Trim stand out.

2. How do I find the Ancient City in Minecraft 1.20?

The Ancient City generates in the deep dark biome, where no hostile mobs can spawn except the Warden in Minecraft. Here are four ways in which you can find the Ancient City in Minecraft:

  • Explore Caves
  • Look For Big Cave Entrances
  • Using Commands
  • Using Chunk Base

3. Where can I find the Silence Armor Trim in Minecraft?

The Silence Armor Trim is a rare item and can only be found in chests in Ancient Cities. The chance of finding the Silence Armor Trim in the chests is only about 1.2%.

4. How do I prepare to raid the Ancient City in Minecraft?

Make sure to bring a few night vision potions for better visibility. Having enchanted netherite armor will also be helpful if you encounter the Warden. Wool is crucial in raiding the structure to prevent the sculk shriekers from triggering.

5. What is the intended way to raid the Ancient City in Minecraft?

The intended way involves sneaking around the Ancient City and opening chests while avoiding the Warden. You need to “deactivate” the sculk shriekers located all around the Ancient City to prevent the spawning of the Warden.

6. Can I brute force raid the Ancient City in Minecraft?

Yes, you can. It is much faster than the intended way, but it’s also more dangerous.
